Sunday, February 10, 2008

I have chosen to see things through a person who doesn’t have a cell phone. I have experienced this situation when I was younger. The only problem was that when I was younger I never really needed to use a cell phone, when I was that age. I want to know what it is like to be a person my age with no cell phone. I have a hard enough time communicating with my people on my phone because it does not have texting. It seems everyone is texting but me, I always complain that I want to switch phones but I’m not allowed. It would be completely different with no phone at all. I just can’t even think of how hard it would be to get a hold of people with no cell phone. I never spend time in my dorm room, so there would be no way at all to reach me during the day time, if I dint have a cell phone. I’m curious to see how people alter their day around finding a phone and remembering phone numbers. I call my friends every day but I could probably only remember four of their numbers. They have always been in my address book in my phone. I just click on their name and it calls them, without me even dialing a single number. To discover what it is like to have no cell phone I guess I will have to turn off my phone for thirty days. I have no clue in the world how I am going to adjust but I guess I’ll just find out. I have no clue who to interview for this paper because how will I find someone with no cell phone. How will I reach them? I can’t think of one person off the top of my head that doesn’t have a cell phone.


Kathy said...

Spencer- You didn't send a proposal, so I didn't get to respond to this idea. In some ways, I'm really interested in the potential here, given the way our society has become so dependent upon mobile technology within a very short time frame. It will surely be difficult. But in other ways I have big reservations about this project. For example, I have a hard time seeing how you are really going to develop this essay beyond stories of your frustrations with being disconnected? I think that you COULD write a great essay that was focused on a slightly larger issue--that of dependency upon 21st century technology (cellphones, ipods, internet, x-box, etc.) but it seems like you would have to go to a lot of extra work in order to deal with the logistics of this project in our class. In other words, if you were to be truly experiential and give up all these things, how could you post or respond to a blog or use internet resources to find sources, etc?

Here's a thought: what if you gave up your cellphone for a week, and internet for another week? During that non-internet week you would need to do a lot of planning ahead so that you could stay on top of your classes without using the internet. Or maybe you made certain restrictions, like that you would *only* use the internet for crucial school-related activities, and not at all for anything social (including social emails, facebook, searching for music, etc.) What do you think of that?

Obviously I am thinking as I type here, but I wanted you to get a sense of my mixed reactions to the topic--in some senses I think it's great, and in others I worry about how it would work. In any case, if you do pursue this, you'll need to expand your scope to an analysis / reflection on how we have become dependent on technology, and you'll want to interview folks who *resist* this technology, in whatever way. Perhaps we can issue a question to the class for friends or relatives who refuse to get a cell phone? Or use email? Or learn how to search the web? (Any of these things, not necessarly all of them at once.) It would be really interesting to learn why they resist these changes, and in what ways they feel their decision is beneficial, and in what ways they miss out. That could be really really cool.

OK, Spencer, you need to get back to me on this. What do you think?


Brandi said...

I feel like that this si going to be a very interesting experience for you. Actually I think you may find it dificlut but at the sametime kinda nice not having a cell phone. I for one will gladly help you as far as finding someone to talk to about not having a cell phone today. I have here in the past few years experienced a few times where I was without a cell phone. Well it was due to me geting in trouble but we wont go there.

I feel like the only concern with this essay is how you are going to be able to help us see beyond your stories of frustration or maybe your enjoyment.

This should be an interesting experience for you.